Timothy L. Seiler, The Fund Raising School

Developing Your Case for Support

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0787952451
Number of pages: 196
Publishing Date: 2008-12-08
Category: book (softcover)
This tool in the Excellence in Fund Raising Workbook Series offers you a practical, hands-on guide to creating the cornerstone of any successful fund raising program--an effective case for support. Written by Tim Seiler--a leader in the field of fund raising and a disciple of master fund raiser Hank Rosso--Developing Your Case for Support provides you with a complete framework for bringing together all the reasons nonprofits know they are worthy of support, and shows you how to develop a case that makes those reasons concrete and real for donors. Filled with helpful worksheets and examples, the workbook features a step-by-step methodology for gathering, organizing, and using the information essential for developing a compelling case statement.

Paperback: 160 pages

Publisher: Jossey-Bass; 1 edition (August 3, 2001)

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