Marc Gobe, Sergio Zyman, Marc Gob

Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People

Publisher: Allworth Press,U.S.
ISBN: 1581150784
Number of pages: 319
Publishing Date: 2002-09-30
Branch: creative industries
Category: book (hardcover)
Suggests ways marketers can develop and customize brand personalities through knowledge of their customers' emotional needs, and demonstrates how companies can utilize all five senses to appeal to various populations.
A visionary approach to building powerful brand loyalty, this ground-breaking book shows marketers of any product or service how to engage today's increasingly cynical consumers on deeper emotional levels. Case histories from the author's high-profile client list analyze demographic and behavioral shifts in populations and distribution channels, and then show how all five senses can be used as powerful marketing tools to respond to those trends. Chapters detail how to develop strong brand personalities, customize presence to different consumer groups, use brand strategies in packaging and display, and facilitate interactive access to products via the Internet.

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