Tess Collins

How Theater Managers Manage

Publisher: Scarecrow Press
ISBN: 0810846837
Number of pages: 292
Publishing Date: 2003-06-05
Branch: performing arts
Category: book (softcover)
This guide brings together the stories, beliefs and experiences of a few seasoned theatre managers. Through them, a portrait and a concept emerge depicting what they have unknowingly practiced throughout their careers. Designed to be a stepping stone for new theatre managers, this book covers a wide variety of topics including budgeting theatre costs, gross potentials and ticket prices, show contracts, settlements and emergency and security procedures. A sample budget, building forms, and show and performance forms are also included. While most of the experiences in this book relate to commercial theatre, many of the ideas put forward can be applied to not-for-profit theatre and facility management.

Paperback, 281 pages, Scarecrow Press (September, 2003),

ISBN: 0810846837

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