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Council of Europe Technical Co-operation and Consultancy Programme (Editor)

Guidance on heritage assessment

ISBN: 9287158258
Publishing Date: 2005-10-14
Category: book ()
The Council of Europe has identified the advancement of a European cultural identity, enriched by cultural diversity, as a major principle in its activities. The identification, celebration, conservation and protection of the cultural heritage of all countries and territories is central to the process of developing mutual understanding and respect. The guidance in this book derives from the experience acquired during the implementation of the Council of Europe and European Commission joint Integrated Rehabilitation Project Plan / Survey of the Architectural and Archaeological Heritage directed towards the countries of South East Europe. In the course of the gathering and compilation of information on the heritage in the Balkans, it became apparent that the approach and the method implemented not only presented a generic opportunity but also provided a specific analytical tool to create checklists which could be used for comparable heritage assessments in other countries and in other circumstances. Concepts and principles are therefore presented in this book in the form of methodological guidance for integrated conservation and the sustainable use of the heritage. In this respect, it is helping to devise new European standards and to uphold the democratic principles promoted by the Council of Europe.

91 pages

Price : 10 / 15 $ + 10% postage
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