Sarah S. Brophy

Is Your Museum Grant-Ready?

Publisher: Altamira Press
ISBN: 0759106517
Number of pages: 208
Publishing Date: 2005-11-01
Branch: museum & cultural heritage
Category: book (softcover)
Is your institution grant-ready? This is a crucial question that almost every small museum or historic organization will find itself asking when considering grant funding, as it seeks to expand or improve programs, broaden its reach, or just simply maintain its existing level of performance. This succinct volume provides an accessible, step-by-step guide to assessing an organization's readiness for the grant application process, and includes seven real-life examples of institutions that have successfully achieved grant-readiness. Chapters will help assess readiness, and provide explanations and checklists to address the important components of this daunting process. Appendices contain proposal writing tips and a list of the author's favorite most-used resources. This innovative volume will be invaluable to museums, cultural institutions and students studying history or non profit work.

About the author: Sarah S. Brophy is a long-time freelance proposal writer for New England museums, tribes, municipalities and cultural resource organizations.

Complete Title: "Is Your Museum Grant-Ready?: Assessing Your Organization's Potential for Funding"

Series: American Association for State and Local History

Altamira Press, November 2005, 208 pages

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