Jamie Grady

A Simple Statement: A Guide to Nonprofit Arts Management and Leadership

Publisher: Heinemann Educational Books,U.S.
ISBN: 032500823X
Number of pages: 62
Publishing Date: 2006-01-27
Branch: intersectorial
Category: book (softcover)
Mission and vision statements are the most important documents of a nonprofit art organization. Yet, manynonprofits operate without understanding their principles and operational benefits. Jamie Grady definitively defines these statements and removes the mystery from them, allowing readers to fully understand their function and how mission and vision affect every decision that is made in an arts organization.

About the Author

JAMIE GRADY has held positions throughout the country in arts administration for more than fifteen years. He is currently coordinator of the theatre arts management degree program at Ithaca College, where he also teaches courses in theatre management and the business of the arts. In addition he is the cofounder of the Icarus Theatre Ensemble and the Independent Arts Consultancy group.

Paperback: 62 pages

Publisher: Heinemann (30 Mar 2006)

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