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Alexander A. Bauer

International Journal Of Cultural Property

ISBN: 09407391
Publishing Date: 2008-11-15
Branch: cultural policy & public administration
Category: book ()
International Journal of Cultural Property provides an international and multidisciplinary forum for the broad spectrum of views surrounding cultural property, cultural heritage, and related issues. Its mission is to develop new ways of dealing with cultural property debates, to be a venue for the proposal or enumeration of pragmatic policy suggestions, and to be accessible to a wide audience of professionals, academics, and lay readers. This peer-reviewed journal publishes original research papers, case notes, documents of record, chronicles, conference reports, and book reviews. Contributions come from the wide variety of fields implicated in the debates - law, anthropology, public policy, archaeology, art history, preservation, ethics, economics, museum-, tourism-, and heritage studies - and from a variety of perspectives and interests - indigenous, Western, and non-Western; academic, professional and amateur; consumers and producers - to promote meaningful discussion of the complexities, competing values, and other concerns that form the environment within which these disputes exist.

Editor: Alexander A. Bauer

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

ISSN: 09407391 (printed)

ISSN: 14657317 (electronic)

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