Harvey Seifter & Peter Economy

Lessons in Collaborative Management from the World-Famous Conductorless Orchestra

Publisher: Owl Books (NY)
ISBN: 0805071865
Number of pages: 240
Publishing Date: 2003-01-01
Branch: intersectorial
Category: book (softcover)
As the only major orchestra without a conductor, Orpheus Chamber Orchestra is a shining example of a highly effective management style based on collaborative leadership.Leadership Ensemble is designed to show business leaders in any industry how to re-create the successful Orpheus Process in their own companies by dismantling top-heavy hierarchies; developing flexible, responsive strategies and decision-making procedures; and unleashing employee creativity, responsibility, and productivity. The authors delineate the eight core principles of collaborative management, including shared and rotated leadership, passionate dedication to mission, clarity of roles within an organization, and learning to listen. Spiced with anecdotes and case studies, Leadership Ensemble is an entertaining, practical guide to survival in todays speed-of-light business environment.

Harvey Seifter is executive director of the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra and successfully managed a number of performing arts organizations in both New York and San Francisco.

Peter Economy is co-author of At the Helm: Business Lessons for Navigating Rough Waters and the bestselling book Managing for Dummies.

Published October 2002, Owl Books

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