Greg Richards

Cultural Tourism. Global And Local Perspectives

Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0789031175
Number of pages: 372
Publishing Date: 2006-10-30
Branch: cultural tourism
Category: book (softcover)
Cultural Tourism presents a unique view of global and local cultural tourism issues in four main sections. The first part is a collection of discussions on the tensions caused by globalization, with an emphasis on the issue of authenticity. The second part focuses on cultural tourism demand, with examinations on the motivations and behavior of cultural tourists in various destinations. The third section spotlights the relationship between tourists, residents, and local culture. The final part examines ways cultural events can develop tourism.

Topics in Cultural Tourism include:
interpretation of authentic culture
growth of township tourism
the success or failure of community-based tourism projects
impact of globalization on distinctiveness of place
analysis of tourism development based on new cultural attractions & ethnic diversity
basic steps needed to establish, manage, and market cultural routes
case study of Castilla y Leon in Spain - trying to find ways to effectively compete with coastal areas
new types of cultural attractions, such as ecomuseums
religious tourism
heritage as a tool for formal and informal learning

Publisher: Haworth Hospitality Press (October, 2006)

ISBN-13: 978-0789031174

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