Charles Grippo

Business and Legal Forms for Theatre

Publisher: Allworth Press,U.S.
ISBN: 1581153236
Number of pages: 192
Publishing Date: 2004-03-11
Branch: performing arts
Category: book (softcover)
This comprehensive, ready-to-use collection of 44 model business and legal forms will save anyone involved in the performing arts thousands of dollars in legal fees! Written by an entertainment lawyer and producer, Business and Legal Forms for Theater includes samples for every aspect of theater law, including author agreements, commissions, production license, play publishing, and more. Artists, producers, directors, theatrical designers and even box office managers will have everything they need to prepare their own contracts, negotiate the best possible deal, and minimize legal risks. Accompanying CD-ROM includes all forms, checklists, and contracts in both Mac and PC formats.

Charles Grippo is an attorney, producer, and playwright whose plays have been produced by theater companies in New York, Chicago, and California. The author of The Stage Producer's Business and Legal Guide, he lives in Chicago.

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