Donald Passman

All You Need to Know About the Music Business

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Ltd
ISBN: 0684870649
Number of pages: 447
Publishing Date: 2000-10-01
Branch: music
Category: book (hardcover)
Everything you've ever heard about the music business is true. It's a world where the rewards can be enormous, but the risks even greater. The key to success is knowing how the business works so you can protect yourself -- since no one will take as good care of your career as you.

That's where Donald S. Passman comes in. Because if you want the best advice, it pays to turn to the best in the business. His star-spangled list of clients shows that his advice is the best that money can buy. Now, from one of the music industry's most sought-after lawyers, here is the third revised and expanded edition of the book that the Los Angeles Times has proclaimed "the industry bible" -- the savvy insider's guide to every legal and financial facet of the business.

Whether you want a career as a performer, writer, producer, or executive, or whether you are just curious about the fascinating multibillion-dollar music industry, you will benefit enormously from this fully updated, comprehensive, and easy-to-read overview of the entire business.

# Hardcover: 448 pages
# Publisher: Simon & Schuster Ltd; Revised and Updated for the 21st Century edition (1 Oct 2000)

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