Jane R. Glaser / Artemis Zenetou

Museums - A Place to Work. Planning Museum Careers

Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0415127246
Number of pages: 324
Publishing Date: 1996-05-30
Branch: museum & cultural heritage
Category: book (softcover)
Museums: A Place to Work is the definitive guide to museum practices, to professional positions, and how to prepare, look for and find jobs. Designed to aid both the uninitiated and the professional, it is an extremely useful tool that uniquely projects museum career information in the total context of what a museum is and does.

World-wide, museums have become the central cultural and educational resource for preserving and interpreting cultural and natural history, making it extremely important that they attract the best, brightest and most creative people to work in them. This book, as no other, provides the guidance prospective museum professionals need to encourage them, to provide understanding and to assist them in pursuing a museum career.

Museums:A Place to Work covers all the issues involved in museums: the importance of ethics and professionalism, legal concerns, the descriptions and requirements of thirty professional positions, support positions, staff/volunteer relations and training and preparation. Its most unique feature are interviews with noted museums professionals who share their views of their museum careers.

With societal changes, advanced technologies, cultural diversity, gender issues, wider audiences, environmental problems, social change, and people with disabilities--all affecting the collecting, preserving, researching, exhibiting, and interpreting operations of museums--this book educates the vast potential readership as to museum career for today and tomorrow.
Co-published with the Smithsonian Institution

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