Rob Monath

By the Book. A Simple Copyright Compliance Method for Musicians and Music Professionals

Publisher: Hinshaw Music
ISBN: 0937276324
Number of pages: 77
Publishing Date: 2006-05-01
Branch: music
Category: book (softcover)
Rob Monaths new book on music copyright law, By the Book, will fit in your back pocket. That is a good thing because, in the digital world that music has become, you are going to need to keep it handy.

As a copyright attorney and music publisher, Monath has spent years helping clients navigate the treacherous waters of copyright law and has dealt with many professional music advisors who have made careers of hiding behind the laws inherent complexity. In response, Monath has crafted an efficient manifesto that lays out, in the simplest possible terms, a tested, three-step method for enabling musicians and music professionals to "lead a non-infringing, worry-free existence as regular users of music."

As Monath explains in the Preface, By the Book, "is not crammed with miscellaneous facts, rules, qualifiers, and exceptions." As a person who "has witnessed death by Power-Point presentation," Monath instead demonstrates a workable strategy for anticipating and avoiding common music copyright problems. "You do not need to be an expert," writes Monath, "but you do need to know how to protect yourself." The book is clearly written and entertainingly presented. The cartoons will be especially appreciated by anyone who has addressed the vexing issues that copyright law presents on a daily basis.

Music professionals who have previewed the book are expressing their gratitude. Marcia Farabee, Librarian for the National Symphony Orchestra and Past President of the Major Orchestra Librarians Association (MOLA), says: This book is informative, concise, and comprehensible! I wish I had had access to something like this many years ago when I was in training as a musician and educator.

Paperback: 77 pages

Publisher: Hinshaw Music (May 1, 2006)

ISBN-10: 0937276324

ISBN-13: 978-0937276327

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