https://artsadministration.org/ conference/call-for-submissions/
Call for Papers

Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE) Conference 2025: Confluence of Cultures

The Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE) invites educators, scholars, researchers, practitioners, and students to submit proposals for its next annual conference, which will be held from May 22-25, 2025, at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The topic focuses on the culture of belonging, the culture of health and well-being, the culture of innovation, and the culture of the environment. Submission deadline is 13 January, 2025.
The theme of the conference, "Confluence of Cultures,” is inspired by Pittsburgh itself. Over the past few decades, the city has undergone a renewal transitioning from a city of steel to one with a focus on the arts, education, cultural diversity, health, innovation, and urban ecosystem rehabilitation. The focus on confluence builds upon last year’s theme of intersections, pushing the idea further by emphasizing collective action for positive systemic change, from the classroom to cultural organizations and policy-making.
Submissions could examine the theme on both local and global scales and address one or more of the following categories:
Belonging: How do arts administration educators foster classroom environments where everyone feels included, valued, and accepted? How can arts leaders and policy-makers develop strategies to ensure that individuals from diverse backgrounds build a sense of belonging and strengthen social ties within communities? We welcome critical pedagogies, case studies, and other reflections that explore the role of the arts in cultivating a sense of belonging and bridging divides in contemporary societies.
Health and Well-Being: Premised on the notion that arts are a powerful mechanism for nurturing healthy communities, we welcome submissions that explore innovative and decolonizing curriculum approaches demonstrating how the arts enhance health and well-being, the role of arts administrators in supporting health institutions, medical humanities, and existing programs that train arts-in-health professionals. Alternatively, submissions may focus on work-life balance and mental health support for artists and administrators.
Innovation: We seek to understand what innovation means in the arts, how the arts drive innovation, and how innovation can embrace the arts. Proposals may focus on how arts organizations can cultivate a culture that embraces change, encourages experimentation, and leverages technology to advance artistic practices, pedagogy and research.
Environment: How can arts administrators leverage the influence of the arts to promote climate justice, sustainability, and ecological awareness? We encourage submissions that explore the intersection of the arts, public policy, and environmental concerns, highlighting the role of the arts in promoting sustainability, ecological awareness and other aspects of the rapidly evolving climate change.
Please note that these pointers are intended to inspire and guide you, but you are welcome to address other aspects of the theme and explore other confluences of cultures.
Proposal Submission
AAAE seeks proposals from presenters of diverse backgrounds and ages who are at different stages of their careers. The conference organizers encourage session proposals that showcase educators, researchers, scholars, and practitioners from a variety of academic institutions and organizations in the non-profit, profit, and public spheres, in the US and internationally, and welcome proposals from graduate and undergraduate students.
Please note that while individuals may participate in multiple submissions, successful applications allow a maximum of two presentations per person across the conference program. For example, a solo paper and a collaborative presentation, or two collaborative presentations, are allowed. However, two solo paper presentations by the same person will not be permitted.
Presenters are invited to either submit proposals for sessions in 30- or 60-minute slots or proposals for papers for 30- or 60-minute slots, both being contingent on the number of speakers. Proposals from any related academic discipline may be submitted, as long as a case can be made for their relevance to the AAAE conference theme and/or areas of interest.
All proposals will undergo blind review based on the following evaluation criteria:
  • Quality/academic merit 
  • Relevance to the theme
  • Relevance to the field
The organizers are pleased to offer several incentives for 2025 conference participants. Please indicate in the submission form if you would like to be considered for the AJAM issue or for the prize.
For Research Papers:
  • AJAM Focal Issue
  • Best Paper by Emerging Arts Administration Educator Prize
  • Best Paper by Arts Administration Educator Prize
For Session Proposals: 
  • AJAM Focal Issue 
  • Best Presentation Prize 
Timeline | Call for Proposals
Call for Proposals Closing Date: 13 January
Decisions Made by: 10 February 
Notifications Emailed by: 14 February
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