
Hope for Africa's Largest and Most Prestigious International Film and Television Market

The Southern African International Film and Television Market (Sithengi), suspended in 2007 after 11 editions due to serious financial problems, has been revived.

In a statement issued on February 25, 2008, the new board of directorscomprising Bobby Amm, Dorothy Brislin, Firdoze Bulbulia, Carolyn Carew, David Forbes, Faith Isiakpere, Catherine Meyburgh, Zwelethu Nondumo, Judy Nkowedi, Richard Nosworthy, Mariam Shah and Dezi Rorichnotes that their "aim has been to conceive of a more progressive, dynamic media and entertainment event that will, in the long-term, enable future business and creative models to develop between Africa and the global entertainment industry, beyond traditional media."...

More information: http://www.artmatters.info/?articleid=461

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