
Managing Museums in Critical Times

American art museums face challenges of a magnitude unsurpassed in recent history. They are overwhelmed by a confluence of contemporary internal and external events. Some are dramatically referring to the situation as the Perfect Storm. While this may be overstating the situation (and one hopes, not indicating a similar ending), it is a serious situation.

Unlike a recently published McKinsey study, I will not recommend the obvious, that nonprofit executives concentrate on high-level donors or use the Internet for fundraising. Nor will I insult museum managers by suggesting that they may solve their organizations problems by being more efficient or working smarter. I believe the solutions are not simple and tactical, but rather require broader strategic actions.

This paper covers four areas:
- The current situation in American art museums;
- Some of the consequences, actual and inherent, that are the results of this situation;
- A series of recommendations on how to insure that museums emerge healthier and stronger;
- And finally, with the readers indulgence, my views about the long-term situation museums are likely to face, even after they have weathered this crisis.
A report by James Abruzzo, Correspondent, New York, to download as PDF document here
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