National film productions become more popular in Spain in 2005
In 2005, excluding the last weeks of the year, the number of Spanish cinema audience increased to the previous year from 19.282.967 to 19.442.669 spectators, according to the provisional annual report of the Spanish Ministry of Culture.
In national market terms, the present quota of Spanish cinema is situated at 16,7% as opposed to 13.4% in 2004, which means the best result from 2001, whose major quota until today obtained 17.8%. On the other hand, the strongly decreasing audience flow has affected the foreign film productions, mainly the US-Americans.
The general loss of spectators (27 million) is marked by a change in the forms of cinematographic exhibition. In opposite to the theatrical consumption, the growth of the DVD rises coincidently on the international level, including the United States. The results of 2005 reflect a slight reduction of distance in the market position of the Spanish cinema with respect to the US productions, although the difference continues being considerable. Nevertheless, with reference to the box office ranking system, it is still difficult for Spanish film productions to establish a stronger national market position, mainly caused by the fact of the impracticability for Spanish films to be released in the same amount of copies that of the Hollywood super-productions, which reaches the Spanish film market already amortized and with great budgets in the backpack for promotion and copies
More information: http://www.cineytele.com
Cine & Tele, 9 January 2006; translated by Maike Bosselmann, Correspondent, Spain
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