
New Jersey Symphony Orchestra Takes Action Toward Longterm Financial Stability

New Jersey Symphony Orchestra sells its collection of renowned Golden Age Collection of string instruments due to its financial deficit.
"We are deeply saddened that we must sell these extraordinary instruments," says Dr. Victor Parsonnet, Chairman of the Board. "But our fiduciary responsibility is clear. We must assure our longterm stability so we can continue to play the works of the great masters, both past and present, and to do the work we are committed to. We fervently hope that whoever purchases the collection will permit us to continue playing them. In the meantime our NJSO musicians will play these wonderful instruments for as long as we have them."

This rare collection, which includes 30 violins, violas and cellos created by Stradivarius, Guarneri del Gesł, Amati and other reputed masters, was purchased by the orchestra four years ago.

Further reading: http://www.njsymphony.org/documents/NJSOTakesActionTowardLong-TermFinancialStability.pdf
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