
New group to promote business arts partnerships in Western Sydney

Business, arts and government leaders from Sydney's western suburbs will work for stronger links between business and the arts.

More than 140 people attended a Business Arts Forum in Parramatta organised by the Riverside Theatres and the Australia Business Arts Foundation (AbaF). They agreed to form a group to generate links between businesses and the arts in the west.

Speakers said there is a wealth of cultural activity in the west, providing scope for arts organisations and business to work together for mutual benefits. AbaF Councillor and Managing Director of Aussie Home Loans, John Symond said: Partnerships with the arts can work for businesses of any size. To mix with creative people and link your brand with creative community activities provides a great bonus for staff and clients?

AbaF's Executive Director, Winsome McCaughey said: The people of Western Sydney will be the winners when there is more business support for the arts. Partnerships help the arts to prosper, and make business more creative.
Arts organisations need financial backing from business to survive, as well as support in areas like management, information technology and marketing. But it's not all one way business wins too when it links up with arts organisations.

Businesses can gain community support by supporting the arts. The creative input from an arts partner can foster new ideas and attending arts events will motivate staff, Ms McCaughey said.

Other speakers included Kate McCue from Integral Energy and Jann Kohlman from Optus. Arts groups represented at the Forum included the Railway Theatre Group from Penrith, the Dame Joan Sutherland Centre, Campbelltown Art Gallery, ArtsWest and many others. They were enthusiastic about the prospect of working with business partners.

Further Information: Robert Love (Riverside Theatres) (02) 9683-2511

Jeremy Wright (Australia Business Arts Foundation) (02) 9350-8155
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