
Theatre network established in South Eastern Europe

Representatives of theatres and festivals from Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Russia, Slovenia, Serbia/Montenegro, Turkey and Croatia adopted Thursday a declaration of the New European Theatre Action (NETA), which is a professional theatre network. NETA will promote cultural cooperation in European countries, develop theatre and cultural space, and is open to new members.
It will develop activities designed to promote cultural cooperation at European level in the following areas: touring of performances, co-productions, professional development, artistic workshops, publishing, etc. NETA will request support from the ministries of culture in its member countries and will also lobby authorities for the opening of borders in order to boost artistic cooperation across the region. Headquarters of this professional theatre network will be located in Slovenia. The statutes will be adopted during the October meeting of the network, which will take place in Sarajevo.

For more information please contact the Bucharest National Theatre at: contact@tncaragiale.ro
or the Slovenian National Theatre Gorica at: info@sng-ng.si

sources: http://policiesforculture.org , http://www.idividi.com.mk
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