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Alba Victoria

Buffers beyond Boundaries: Bridging theory and practice in the management of historical territories

Publisher: Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
ISBN: 9782807612716
Number of pages: 272
Publishing Date: 2019-09-23
Branch: intersectorial
Category: book (softcover)
What is a buffer? Is it a control zone? Or is it rather a transition space, a blurred boundary? Since "buffer zones" were introduced in the late 1970s as a complementary protection layer to World Heritage sites, the dimensions of heritage have changed significantly; from physical to intangible, from defined to diffused. Now, buffers can present all these different characters, even at the same time.Using buffers as the main connection thread, this book is a collection of complementary studies that explore the contemporary challenges in heritage definition and management. With a focus on European and Asian historical territories, this book tracks umbrella terms, from their genesis inside international discussions and cultural exchanges, to their specific interpretation in top-down on-site strategies.


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