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Entrepreneurial competences for artists and cultural operators. European study report

Publisher: Artenprise
Number of pages: 307
Publishing Date: 2018-03-01
Branch: education & research
The research carried out in each project country and in those countries not involved directly in the partnership aimed at identifying:• Best European practices of entrepreneurial education of CCIs• Tools and methodologies used in the framework of these initiatives/programmes/projects • Competences recognised as needed by CCIs to succeed as entrepreneurs• Specific needs felt in terms of entrepreneurial skills (as detected by these practices)The desk research identified initiatives (EU projects, research, National and EU policies, training activities) on the project topic with which to connect and cooperate, collecting information and findings based on which to update project assumptions and base future actions. By creating/enforcing strong connections with target groups and with a clear idea in mind on perceived learning/competence needs, the partnership better structured the intellectual outputs on which the training will be based.

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