Gloria Page, Sharilyn Mille

Holy Moly Mackeroly! Reflections on the Business of Art and the Art of Life

Publisher: Mesa Point Publishing
ISBN: 0971890102
Number of pages: 280
Publishing Date: 2002-06-17
Branch: intersectorial
Category: book (softcover)
Holy Moly Mackeroly is a self-published memoir: a storytelling-style reflection about my process of creating a home-based art business and life experiences that I feel are connected to that journey.

It is all words with very few pictures, so if you want to see my artwork, thanks for your interest! You can learn about my carving and stamping techniques in my second book, published by North Light Books: Art Stamping Workshop is also available at

I believed in writing Holy Moly Mackeroly that there was a place for such a book. That belief was based on my experiences of giving talks over the years on how I started with three rubber stamps, made 18 bookmarks (which my Mom sold for me in Santa Fe), and over time created a greeting card and art business that expanded exponentially. I have had an active card account at the Smithsonian since 1994 and have gone on to become a published artist and writer in major art and craft publications.

But more importantly to me, since this book was published in 2002, a community of artist-friends has emerged, beginning with the creation of an online group, started by a visionary reader. Our group is active in art and dedicated in friendships. We have gone way beyond the book as individuals and together in ways I never could have imagined possible when I began writing.

I believe in the value of storytelling. I believed enough in the value of what others have taught and given to me over the years that I gambled in a huge way to create this book as author, publisher, distributor, cover artist, the works. The experience of immersing yourself in the entire process is incredibly rewarding.

I am grateful to people all over the world - they have read my book and shared their stories with me. If this is your kind of book, I hope you enjoy it! There is a Chinese Proverb that is my guiding principle: "A thousand mile journey begins with one step." Taking one step gets you to a whole new place. Are you ready?

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