Timothy Ambrose, Crispin Paine

Museum Basics (Heritage: Care-Preservation-Management)

Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0415366348
Number of pages: 336
Publishing Date: 2006-03-01
Branch: museum & cultural heritage
Category: book (softcover)
Fully updated and extended to examine the many changes that have occurred in the last decade, this second edition of world-renowned text Museum Basics provides a basic guide to all aspects of museum work and staff experience from museum organization, through collections management and conservation, to audience development and education.

Drawing on a wide range of practical experience, the authors have provided an excellent tool that enable museums throughout the world to conquer a common challenge; to keep up-to-date with new ideas and changing practices.

Organized on a modular basis, with over 100 units, Museum Basics is a reference to support day-to-day museum management, a key text in pre-service and in-service training programmes, and works brilliantly alongside case studies, project work and group discussion.

With a glossary, sources of information and a select bibliography, this is certainly a book that no museum professional, nor museum and heritage studies student will want to be without.

Section 1: Introductory
Section 2: The Museum and its Users
Section 3: The Development and Care of the Museums Collections
Section 4: The Museum and its Buildings
Section 5: The Museum and its Management
Section 6: Supporting Resources

Timothy Ambrose is an international museums and heritage consultant. He is an Associate Director of L&R Consulting, Europe's leading Consultancy in the heritage, cultural, leisure and tourism sectors and a Honorary Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Arts Policy and Management at City University, London. He was formerly Director of the Scottish Museums Council and Chair of ICOM UK. He has carried out a wide range of consultancy studies at national, regional and local level within the UK and Europe, published many books and articles on museum work and lectures widely on museum and heritage matters.

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