Neil Kotler, Philip Kotler, Wendy Kotler

Museum Marketing and Strategy

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0787996912
Number of pages: 544
Publishing Date: 2008-08-22
Branch: museum & cultural heritage
Category: book (hardcover)
This new edition of the bestselling guide on marketing for museums is thoroughly updated, addressing the growing impact of technology, shifts in museum branding and marketing strategy, and also adds international case studies. Written by Neil Kotler along with his brother Phillip, the father of modern marketing, this book reflects the changing museum world. The rapid growth in the number museums worldwide, coupled with greater receptivity on the part of museum managers and boards regarding marketing solutions has created an atmosphere in which museum managers are seeking ways to be more strategic and creative in order to reach their institution's goals.

# Title: Museum Marketing and Strategy: Designing Missions, Building Audiences, Generating Revenue and Resources

# Hardcover: 528 pages

# Publisher: Jossey-Bass; 2 edition (August 8, 2008)

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