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Tula Giannini, Jonathan Bowen (Eds.)

Museums and Digital Culture: New Perspectives and Research

Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783319974569
Number of pages: 590
Publishing Date: 2019-05-16
Branch: museum & cultural heritage
Category: book (softcover)
This book explores how digital culture is transforming museums in the 21st century. Offering a corpus of new evidence for readers to explore, the authors trace the digital evolution of the museum and that of their audiences, now fully immersed in digital life, from the Internet to home and work. In a world where life in code and digits has redefined human information behavior and dominates daily activity and communication, ubiquitous use of digital tools and technology is radically changing the social contexts and purposes of museum exhibitions and collections, the work of museum professionals and the expectations of visitors, real and virtual.

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