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Isabelle de le Court

Post-Traumatic Art in the City: Between War and Cultural Memory in Sarajevo and Beirut (New Encounters: Arts, Cultures, Concepts)

Publisher: Bloomsbury Visual Arts
ISBN: 9781350194359
Number of pages: 216
Publishing Date: 2020-12-24
Branch: intersectorial
Category: book (softcover)
Post-Traumatic Art in the City comprises an original analysis of the nexus of war, art and urban society in two specific contexts: late 20th-century Beirut and Sarajevo. With an emphasis on conceptions of the 'post-traumatic', De le Court explores how cities and art are mutually formative in war and post-war contexts, providing unique insight into the politically and psychologically driven art scenes from within the works of art themselves. Grounded in close analyses and new research, the book makes an important contribution to the fields of art history and trauma studies.

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