Danny Newman

Subscribe Now : Building Arts Audiences Through Dynamic Subscription Promotion

Publisher: Theatre Communications Group Inc.,U.S.
ISBN: 0930452011
Number of pages: 300
Publishing Date: 1989-09-14
Branch: intersectorial
Category: book (softcover)
Subscribe Now! is to date one of the best guides available in the arts business for increasing attendance to symphonies, ballets, operas, and music festivals. Although it was first written in 1977, this guide can still be a valuable asset to any organization trying to increase ticket sales and boost their audience numbers. While some of the data has changed over time due to inflation, the instructions and guidance Mr. Newman provides is invaluable to this day.----American Symphony Orchestra League

"My first job was as marketing director of a regional music theatre company. I was a journalism grad with little "arts" experience. This was a wonderful book. It really helped me understand our audience. It was at my right hand throughout the two years I held that job."

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