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Ian Peddie

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music and Social Class

Publisher: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781501345388
Number of pages: 616
Publishing Date: 2020-02-06
Branch: music
Category: book (softcover)
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music and Social Class is the first extensive analysis of the most important themes and concepts in this field. Encompassing contemporary research in ethnomusicology, sociology, cultural studies, history, and race studies, the volume explores the intersections between music and class, and how the meanings of class are asserted and denied, confused and clarified, through music. With chapters on key genres, traditions, and subcultures, as well as fresh and engaging directions for future scholarship, the volume considers how music has thought about and articulated social class. It consists entirely of original contributions written by internationally renowned scholars, and provides an essential reference point for scholars interested in the relationship between popular music and social class.

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