Event organizer
ACMC - Arts & Cultural Management Conference
The Netherlands
ACMC Arts & Cultural Management Conference
ACMC - Arts & Cultural Management Conference for Students & Young Professionals
Start: 2020-01-23 00:00
End: 2020-01-25 00:00
Location: University of Groningen
Place: Groningen, Netherlands
The ACMC aims to offer students and young professionals a unique platform to present their research, to exchange knowledge and to expand their professional network. On the occasion of the conference, 100-150 students and young professionals from various disciplines of arts and cultural management from all over Europe will come together in Gronungen. A variety of different formats (paper presentations, lectures, workshops) will allow new theory and practice based insights, as well as sharing and exploring within this diverse and international group. Inputs from our international keynote speakers will initiate further discussions on the topics. Study visits to selected institutes in Vienna will complement the program.
Topic "Curating Europe"
The curator (Latin "Curare”: care (about), arrange, heal, take care of), in the most basic sense, is the one that takes care of the artwork or the exhibition. However, the curatorial role involves a wider range of tasks and responsibilities. The organisers believe that nowadays the role of a curator has a much bigger importance, one that is not confined to the institutional setting or a particular art form. We are all curators of our lives and the lives of the upcoming generations; we, as a young generation, students and young professionals, have a voice that matters and needs to be heard.
The field of arts and culture can open up discussions about larger topics, such as society, politics, economics, psychology, and technology. Most importantly, it is our task to consider our role as future curators of Europe: like artists, we must test old formats and invent new ones. Europe, both as a continent and a wider sociological category, is in need of new translations, connections, and open intellectual borders between different cultures. With the help of your creative voices, let’s reflect on what it means to curate Europe on a global stage.
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