Author PRofile

Jeremie Gluckman

is a dancer, choreographer documentary film maker and emerging arts leader working at the intersection of creative place-making, cultural diplomacy, and social entrepreneurship. He spent two years in Guiyang, China volunteering with the U.S. Peace Corps as a higher education professional. He has experience in nonprofit arts management, research and development and is interested in socially-minded enterprises that use cultural strategies to generate mutual understanding and respect.

Newest content of Jeremie Gluckman

Online Marketing and Communication
Internet Matters in Beijing, Guiyang, Brooklyn and Del Ray. 2016-09-05
Jeremie Gluckman spoke with the cultural managers working with or within arts enterprises in the U.S. and China. These leaders are all using the internet to engage local communities and share stories with the world. All the while, they are wrestling with challenges related to representation when contributing to the sea of messages, information, and images online. They are also equipped with an awareness of skewed access.
» Internet Matters in Beijing, Guiyang, Brooklyn and Del Ray.
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