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Johannes Hemminger

studied philosophy and modern history in Tübingen. Worked in marketing, community management and project management in the video game industry. He is an editor at Kultur Management Network / Arts Management Network.

Newest content of Johannes Hemminger

Digital metrics for the cultural sector
Data-driven? 2023-11-27
For as long as there have been digital cultural formats, there has been data on how these formats are used. But understanding digital metrics and integrating them into your own work is anything but trivial because for any serious attempt cultural organizations have to ask themselves what they actually want to know - even if it hurts.
» Data-driven?

Career opportunities in the games industry
Bigger than cinema 2023-03-27
Games, especially video games, as a topic for arts and cultural management - that might sound surprising. But the production of digital games is a highly differentiated field with huge economic and personal significance for many people. So, it's time to examine the structures and methods of the games industry as a field of work for cultural managers.
» Bigger than cinema

Conference Report: Cultures of Artificial Intelligence – New Perspectives for Museums
The end of museum work as we know it? 2023-02-02
For some weeks, the opportunities and limits of artificial intelligence have been the subject of intense discussion both inside and outside the cultural sector. The conference "Cultures of Artificial Intelligence - New Perspectives for Museums" at the Badisches Landesmuseum (Baden State Museum) hit the zeitgeist and raised numerous questions that are worthy of discussion beyond the museum sector.
» The end of museum work as we know it?
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