Author PRofile

Tom Schössler

is the managing director and member of the foundation board of the Weserburg Museum of Modern Art in Bremen, Germany. Previously, he was, among other things, head of administration at the Theaterhaus Stuttgart. He is involved in research projects and publications with a focus on cultural marketing and financing and is a lecturer at various universities.

Newest content of Tom Schössler

COVID19 and the Arts Sector
Can a Pay As You Stay Pricing Model support your Museum’s re-opening? 2020-07-06
Re-opening a museum after the lockdown comes with many challenges and difficult decisions. As the weeks of closure have created severe financial pressure, one of these decisions is finding the right pricing tactic for the restart. Next to increased prices to recover losses and lowered prices to drive demand, "Pay As You Stay” could be a novel, attractive option for this troubled time.
» Can a Pay As You Stay Pricing Model support your Museum’s re-opening?
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