Author PRofile

Yulia Bardun

is cultural manager, curator and trainer, with over 15 years of professional career. Her efforts were fundamental for launching bottom-up capacity development processes in the field of culture and strengthening contemporary arts and culture sector in her native Kaliningrad region. She has first-hand experience of cross-border (both in terms of geography and disciplines) arts and culture cooperation in the EU-Russia contexts, specifically in the contemporary arts framework in the Nordic-Baltic region.

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Hybrid approaches engaging the public across genres and regions
Reconnect 2022-01-19
This article presents and briefly analyses three recent stories from three different regional contexts in Europe that demonstrate the positive impact of innovating connections with the audience. It discusses the values of hybrid approaches to arts and culture marketing, and the benefit of resilient practices of co-creation and cross-sectoral collaboration.
» Reconnect

Creative and cultural industries cross-innovations
Collaboration for sustainable growth in the Northern Dimension countries 2021-06-07
The professionals and companies of the culture and creative industries (CCIs) are important catalysts for development both for classical cultural institutions and for broad sections of the economy and society. A new study shows what the CCIs in Central and Northern European countries need to flourish.
» Collaboration for sustainable growth in the Northern Dimension countries
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