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Dalya Markovich, Christiane Dätsch

Shared Heritage Revisited: National and Postnational Dimensions on the Example of Germany, Palestine and Israel (Cultural Heritage Studies)

Publisher: transcript
ISBN: 9783837666991
Number of pages: 300
Publishing Date: 2024-05-01
Branch: museum & cultural heritage
Category: book (softcover)
Culture is constructed, negotiated, managed, and shared by various ideological, political, and moral reasonings which manifest themselves tangibly and intangibly in public monuments, architecture, memorial sites, theaters, museums, orchestras, and heritage associations. The contributions to this volume explore the intersection of cultural heritage and nationality in societies that are characterized by national, multi-national, and post-national concepts. They question the roles that cultural heritage plays in its various contexts, and the ways in which ideology functions to produce it.

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