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Octavio Kulesz

Supporting Culture in the Digital Age

Publisher: International Arts Federation Services Pty Ltd
Number of pages: 51
Publishing Date: 2020-03-01
Branch: cultural policy & public administration
Category: book (ebook)
This report explores trends, challenges and responses that affect the cultural value chain and its main actors; it also acknowledges the need to develop well-calibrated strategies that place people at the centre of our thinking and consider the whole cultural ecosystem. It identifiesa recurring set of themes that could inform how public agencies - in different contexts worldwide, withvaried opportunities, challenges and barriers - might approach supporting culture in the digital age. The extended version of the report for National Members of the Federation also includes further insights into the experiences of public agencies, as well a series of recommendations to consider when designing national digital culture plans, based oninsights from successful case studies and international best practice.
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