Communicating the Museum: The Museum and You
This year's Communicating the Museum conference is being held from 6th to 8th July in the elegant, creative and historic German city of Düsseldorf. Our theme this year is the Visitor Experience and the vital role it plays in building and retaining audiences. Leading international speakers and practitioners will present important and ground-breaking thoughts and ideas on:
* creating the very best experience for all visitors
* cutting edge visitor research from around the world
* generating income from visitors
* the dynamic and creative relationship between marketing and the visitor
experience - the unified tone of voice and customer service
* brand and the visitor experience
* interpretation and learning
* the future of the visitor experience - on-line and beyond
A happy visitor is an ambassador for the museum and every visitor now has the ability to communicate with anyone and everyone about their experience.
For further information, visit: http://www.communicatingthemuseum.com/2011/
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