Museum experiences that change visitors
Transform, transforming, and transformative are common terms for describing museum spaces, the creation of objects on display, and experiences for visitors. But is there evidence that museums profoundly change visitors through their objects, collections, exhibitions, public programs, and websites?
The nature of transformational museum experiences and potential 'triggers for transformation' are the focus of this article. Two case studies describe ways in which visitors articulate change they have experienced. Included are projects about teachers and artists during an intense two-week summer institute in an interdisciplinary museum and about visitors to a traveling exhibition highlighting the role Canada plays in international development. Individuals' comments and questions indicated that experiences with authentic objects and the unexpected, highly emotional responses, new cultural and attitudinal understandings, as well as motivation to become more proactive in the way they live their lives, may have been triggers for transformational experiences.
Futher details at the following link: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a913154515~db=all
Barbara J. Soren, Museum Studies, University of Toronto, Canada
in: Museum Management and Curatorship, Volume 24, Issue 3 (9/2009)
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