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While the nation-state gave rise to the advent of museums, its influence in times of transculturality and post-/decolonial studies appears to have vanished. But is this really the case? With case studies from various geo- and sociopolitical contexts from around the globe, the contributors investigate which roles the nation-state continues to play in museums, collections, and heritage. They answer the question to which degree the nation-state still determines practices of collection and circulation and its amount of power to shape contemporary narratives. The volume thus examines the contradictions at play when the necessary claim for transculturality meets the institutions of the nation-state.
Transcript Verlag, 2022-06-10
Can sound be perceived independently of its social dimension? Or is it always embedded in a discursive network? »Postcolonial Repercussions« explores these questions in form of a collective conversation. The contributors have collected sound stories and sound knowledge from Brazil to Morocco, listened to resonances from the Underground and the Pacific Ocean, from Popular Music and speech recognition. The anthology gathers heterogeneous approaches to emancipatory forms of ontological listening as well as pleas for critical fabulation and a practice of care. It tells us about opportunities, perspectives and the (im)possibility of decolonised listening.
transcript, 2022-05-12
This book compiles lectures by the world's leading practitioners of postdramatic theatre from East Asia and the German-speaking world, which were given at Asia's only dramaturgy degree program at The Central Academy of Drama in Beijing 2018/19. It includes first-time English-language scripts of the discussed plays. The material is complemented by contextualizing essays by the program founder Li Yinan and its co-developer Kai Tuchmann. Hans-Thies Lehmann contributes the foreword to this volume. This rare compilation enables the reader to gain a unique insider's impression of postdramatic theatre's artistic thinking and working methods and informs about its manifold manifestations.

With contributions from Hans-Werner Kroesinger, Lee Kyung-Sung, Li Yinan, Boris Nikitin, Kai Tuchmann, Wang Mengfan, Wen Hui, Zhao Chuan and Zhuang Jiayun.
transcript Verlag, 2022-02-28
With this 2nd edition of our brochure, we are adapting the representation of the independent performing arts sector and expanding it to 13 countries in Europe. Our plan is to continue this research and provide updated information every two years. EAIPA seek to continuously provide information about the sector, focusing on those who invent, develop, realize and present the art form: artists and art professionals. We are also interested in whether and how the pandemic will affect their livelihoods, and whether policymakers and funders will use the attention and discourse to rethink and adjust policies as well as focus on better conditions for artists and arts practitioners.
EAIPA - The European Association of INdependent Performing Arts, 2022-01-17
Kulturelle Teilhabe ist in aller Munde. Sie zielt - wie politische, wirtschaftliche und soziale Teilhabe - auf die Beteiligung, Mitwirkung und Mitverantwortung der Bevölkerung am öffentlichen Leben. Kulturelle Teilhabe trägt zu gesellschaftlicher Inklusion, Kohäsion und kultureller Vielfalt bei. Das Handbuch bietet eine Übersicht zu Geschichte und Begriff der kulturellen Teilhabe, lotet die Handlungsfelder von Teilhabe aus und stellt konkrete praktische Handlungsansätze vor. Es richtet sich an Projektverantwortliche in Kultur und anderen teilhaberelevanten Bereichen sowie an private und öffentliche Förderinstitutionen, die sich für gesellschaftliche Teilhabe engagieren. Das Handbuch umfasst Beiträge auf Deutsch, Französisch und Italienisch mit Zusammenfassungen in den jeweils anderen Sprachen.
Everyone is talking about participation in arts and culture. Like political, economic and social participation, it aims at the involvement and co-responsibility of the population in public life. Cultural participation contributes to social inclusion, cohesion and cultural diversity. The handbook offers an overview of the history and concept of cultural participation, explores the fields of action and presents concrete practical approaches. It is aimed at project managers in culture and other fields relevant to participation as well as at private and public funding institutions that are committed to social participation. The handbook includes articles in German, French and Italian with summaries in the other languages.
Seismo Verlag, 2019-06-13
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