Arts Management Quarterly
No 131: Arts Management in Times of Crisis

Do you sometimes feel like the world is getting worse and worse and you are surrounded by only negative news? Well, as studies have shown, we humans tend to overestimate negative developments and turn a blind eye to the positive ones. Therefore, with this issue of Arts Management Quarterly, we present you examples, experiences and approaches from arts professionals around the world that will help you when you feel helpless in the face of financial, political or even institutional crises.
Crisis is a term that can be heard everywhere at the moment, on the level of whole societies as well as on the level of the arts sector in special. In this context, a certain helplessness can be felt both on the part of policy and of art institutions and professionals. But what they sometimes tend to ignore is that there are also several ideas and examples on how to deal with the various kinds of crises in and around the field of arts management. With this mixture of academical, practical and also very personal contributions and interviews, we would like to encourage you to not only consider changes negatively, but to face challenges courageously.
Table of Contents
FOCUS - Arts Management in Times of Crisis
- The best we can. Re-establishing priorities for arts professionals in times of crisis - by Maria Vlachou, page 6
- When Democracy is at Risk. Reflections Upon the Role of Arts Institutions and its Leaders in Brazil and Germany - by Beth Ponte, page 11
- From Collectivism to Connectivism. The Romanian Arts Sector since the Fall of Communism - by Corina Suteu, page 18
- A question of to be or not to be. Interview with Pawel Machcewicz - by Kristin Oswald, page 27
- Crises as actors of change. Highlights from the Greek cultural sector - by Olga Kolokytha, page 37
- Embracing Crises As Normal. A New Approach For Arts Managers - by Leah Hamilton, page 43
- When creative becomes coercive. The crisis of bullying in the cultural sector - by Anne-Marie Quigg, page 49
- Relocated, but not displaced. Bats in the Brooks Center for the Performing Arts - by Eric J. Lapin, Ashley Cooper, Bryce Payne, and Reagan Thompson, page 57
- Reading Tips by Zenaida Desaubris, page 5
About Arts Management Quarterly
Are you interested in succeeding in the international arts sector? Then you need a comprehensive overview of new developments and the necessary know-how for their implementation. Arts Management Quarterly is an established digital journal aimed at the international audience. Not only does it reflect major developments in arts management and society beyond the national context, it also sheds light on regional developments and approaches that can be inspiring for the international arts sector.
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In each issue, the journal focuses on a central topic from different perspectives to assess it in its entirety for the international arts sector. The journal also includes the series “Recommended Reading“ and “My working world“.
Arts Management Quarterly is published under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
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