Arts Management Quarterly
No 136: Serving Communities

In times of the pandemic, many arts and cultural institutions and professionals may find it difficult to think of others first. This issue of Arts Management Quarterly shows that it can be extraordinarily rewarding for them to commit themselves to serving local communities, now and in the long term.
There are many reasons for arts and cultural organizations to turn some attention away from global visitors and towards local communities, and many of these reasons were amplified by the pandemic. But this does not have to be a disadvantage - quite the opposite! Resident communities can become returning audiences, multipliers, and partners for long-term cooperation. Anyway, addressing them is not that simple because their needs and issues must be at the center, and arts and cultural institutions have to perceive themselves as servants rather than providers. The examples in this issue cover different cultural sectors and world regions and can be an inspiration, a manual and motivation for action for all those arts and cultural managers struggling with the (post) COVID world.
Table of Contents
FOCUS - Serving Communities
- Rog Around the Clock. An Attempt to Create a Cultural Centre of the Future through Community-based Live Prototyping, by Meta Štular, page 20
- Curatorial Practice as Community Work. Developing a community radio program-festival in the Philippines in the time of physical distancing, by Roselle Pineda, page 29
- Why us? Community Music at Konzerthaus Dortmund, Germany, by Matthew Robinson, page 38
- A successful case of community engagement in Oslo. Creating financially sustainable long-term relationships with the local community during economic uncertainty, by Matilde Balatti, Ida Uvaas, Shahrzad Malekian and Mechu Rapela, page 46
- Reinterpreting heritage to serve the community. Lessons learnt from museum practices in Italy, by Elio Borgonovi, Marco Luchetti and Alex Turrini, page 53
- Staying on the Field. Strategies for Community-Responsive Art Making in a Pandemic, by Gretchen LaMotte, page 62
- DOC! A squat communities could be proud of, by Yearime Castel Y Barragan, page 68
- Towards Post-Globalized Communities. The role of arts and cultural managers as supporters of communities, by Frantz Dhers and Miguel Arato, page 73
- Creative and cultural industries cross-innovations. Collaboration for sustainable growth in the Northern Dimension countries, by Petya Koleva, Terry Sandell, Yulia Bardun, Michela Di Nola, Jennifer Gaeta, page 5
- Art in crisis and in solidarity, by Pierre d’Alancaisez, page 15
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Are you interested in succeeding in the international arts sector? Then you need a comprehensive overview of new developments and the necessary know-how for their implementation. Arts Management Quarterly is an established digital journal aimed at the international audience. Not only does it reflect major developments in arts management and society beyond the national context, it also sheds light on regional developments and approaches that can be inspiring for the international arts sector.
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In each issue, the journal focuses on a central topic from different perspectives to assess it in its entirety for the international arts sector. The journal also includes the series “Recommended Reading“ and “My working world“.
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