Arts Management Quarterly
No 137: Arts Management and Health

There are various points of contact between arts, culture and health - not only in the course of the pandemic months. This issue of the Arts Management Quarterly shows what these are and what they mean for arts management.
"Stay safe and healthy" is a phrase that has become even more important during the pandemic months. The topic of "health" as a management task to sensitise and protect visitors and employees as well as broader society has also come increasingly into focus in arts and cultural institutions. But even before that and beyond, the topic of "health" occupies its own field of activity for the arts and culture sector. For example, visits to museums prescribed by doctors are no longer uncommon. Likewise, art-based therapies have proven to be an excellent treatment for diseases such as Alzheimer's. Beyond this, however, health management must be understood as an independent area of responsibility in arts and cultural institutions. After all, in order for employees in the sector to feel good, they must first and foremost be healthy - both physically and mentally.
The authors of the 137th issue of Arts Management Quarterly put this complex topic through its paces. We hope to encourage you with this reading to draw one or the other new connection between art, culture and health yourself.
Table of Contents
FOCUS - Arts Management and Health
- Arts in Health in America. Managing Arts Programs for Health and Well-Being in Healthcare and Community Settings, by Patrica Dewey Lambert, page 17
- Museum Visits on a Doctor’s Prescription. A Path to Positive Health?, by Marjelle Vermeulen, Ellen Loots and Pauwke Berkers, page 25
- Life as Heritage. Health in the Agenda of Brazilian Museums During the Pandemic, by Beth Ponte, page 32
- Breathing Through the Pandemic. Performance Arts Challenges and Responses to the Mental Health Implications of COVID-19, by Helen Rusak, Renée Newman, Frances Barbe, Peta Blevins and Talisha Goh, page 40
- Dancing for De-Stressing. Arts Participation and Young Adults’ Psychological Wellbeing During COVID-19, by Anna Bernadska, Giesela Grumbach, Linda Campos-Moreira, Maristela Zell, Lisa Hollis-Sawyer, page 47
- Leading with Flow. Lessons Learned from Tai Chi, Interview with Sifu Nameer Kirma by Stan Renard, page 56
- Reconnect. Hybrid Approaches Engaging the Public Across Genres and Regions, by Petya Koleva, Milena Berbenkova, Yulia Bardun, page 5
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Are you interested in succeeding in the international arts sector? Then you need a comprehensive overview of new developments and the necessary know-how for their implementation. Arts Management Quarterly is an established digital journal aimed at the international audience. Not only does it reflect major developments in arts management and society beyond the national context, it also sheds light on regional developments and approaches that can be inspiring for the international arts sector.
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In each issue, the journal focuses on a central topic from different perspectives to assess it in its entirety for the international arts sector. The journal also includes the series “Recommended Reading“ and “My working world“.
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