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The 36th Annual AAAE conference was hosted by Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh between May 31st and June 2nd 2017. The fact, that the conference took place in Europe, surely resulted in several new faces. One third of the participants were so-called first timers (assumedly several of them Europeans who took advantage of not having to travel that far).
Raphaela Henze, 2017-08-02
This research seeks to develop greater understanding of the impacts of globalization, digitalization, and (im)migration on the work of arts managers and arts management researchers. Different from studies that focus specifically on those who work exclusively in international contexts, this paper aims to present current research based on an international empirical study of arts managers who do not necessarily cross borders for their work and who would in most cases not even consider their work international as such.
Raphaela Henze, 2017-07-11
SeriesCentral & South America
Mexico Citys program Small Cultural Enterprises was started ten years ago to support local artists in building up their own enterprises. The program teaches general knowledge in arts management and supports artists in building up their own enterprises. Small Cultural Enterprises thereby compensates the lack of management education during artistic studies in university.
Marcela Jiménez López, 2017-06-12
SeriesCentral & South America
Aaron Hernandez Farfan, a Mexican actor and cultural manager, together with his company Agua Quemada Creatividad visualizes problems affecting the Mexican society, such as violence and injustice. With Lisa Harborth, he talks about the cultural system in Mexico, how politics influence it and which challenges affect the work as an artist in Mexico.
Aarón Hernandez Farfán, 2017-05-30
This article presents the results of a research on the opinions of arts/ cultural managers around the world regarding their profession, working conditions, current challenges, required competencies, and training opportunities. Is cultural management getting harmonized due to cultural globalization? Or are concepts and practices of cultural management more influenced by the specific national or regional conditions?
Birgit Mandel, 2017-05-23
Museomix is a creative makeathon held every year, on the same weekend and in different places of the world. Elena Bertelli from Museomix Italia explains how different professionals together with volunteers and museum staff create a working space in order to design innovative mediation tools - useful to improve visitors experience, engage new audiences and help the museum staff to adopt new skills and perspectives.
Elena Bertelli, 2017-04-18
SeriesArtist Entrepreneurs
The traditional ways for a young opera singer to get a job have greatly changed, given the sheer number of graduates from music conservatories on the one hand and the decreasing numbers of opportunities to perform on the other. So how can young opera singers become increase their self management and self marketing?
Zenaida des Aubris, 2017-04-10
You have just finished your vocal studies and are ready to take on the world and conquer the opera stages by storm. But as you know, it is not quite as easy as that. The ways for a young opera singer to get a job have greatly changed. For that reason, the first international edition of our Arts Management Webinar will show you how to you can give your opera career a startup kick using everything from online platforms to social media, competitions and good old personal contacts!
Zenaida des Aubris, 2017-04-03
In this interview, Alan Salzenstein (De Paul University, Chicago) and Martin Zierold (Karlshochschule International University, Karlsruhe) talk about the relevance of teaching transformation skills to arts management students.
What notion of their future job do young arts managers have? What visions of the arts sector are driving them? And what are the issues they want to find new solutions for? These are important questions that show how the arts sector can and should develop to be ready for future challenges and the changing needs of their audience. For that reason, we decided that with this issue of Arts Management Quarterly we wanted to give those among the participants of the first Young Arts Journalism Awards (YAJA) - a project powered by Art News Portal, fostering online journalism among journalism and creative art students worldwide - who dedicated their articles to the field of arts management the chance to get a word in edgeways.
This first workshop of the new network Cultural Managers as Intercultural Brokers took place 15-17 January 2017 at Heilbronn University, Germany. Its highly renowned international participants examined the role that arts and cultural managers can play in handling the challenges of globalisation. And they discussed the question how arts management is influenced by certain worldviews and how this in turn influences the fulfilment of its tasks in international contexts.
Kristin Oswald, 2017-02-27
The second edition of Goethe-Instituts International Forum again brought together cultural experts from all over the world for two weeks in Munich, Germany for discussions and the development of ideas. And flanked by the presidential election in the US, the participants experienced that independently of their geographical and professional background they are connected by the vision to break down barriers and prejudices.
Kristin Oswald, 2017-01-23
Our current context of internationalisation, globalisation, and the increasing global migration presents challenges and opportunities for the arts and cultural sector. With creative and aesthetic expressions inherently reflective of cultural ideas, knowledge and values, arts and cultural managers have a significant role to play in directing, administering and mediating intercultural understanding. This refers to the ability to know, accept, value, and empathise with alternative perspectives and perceptions of the world.
Victoria Durrer, 2017-01-04
This article is about how leaders in the arts can upwardly manage stakeholders with a powerful impact on their work, and enable staff to upwardly manage their bosses as well.
Ann Tonks, 2016-12-21
This years Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) conference took place November 10 12 at Baden State Museum in Karlsruhe, Germany. 160 Participants from 36 countries came together to exchange about promising approaches on Money Matters: The Economic Value of Museums. Only a few of them dealt with new funding opportunities in the first place. Instead, the conference opened up new perspectives on measurement, cooperation and communication as premisses for a better and long-term financial coverage.
Kristin Oswald, 2016-12-08
YAJA is a project by Art News Portal to foster art journalism among journalism and creative art students worldwide. It gives students who found their love for journalism the opportunity to showcase their talent in capturing art and culture in a creative way.
The days of the lonesome artistic genius are already over for a long time. No one working in arts and culture would honestly assume that a creative process can prosper mostly in solitude. Instead, creativity and cooperation respectively collaboration accompany each other. This is also true because arts and cultural processes occur in social contexts and therefore always interact with social groups, whether it be producers, audiences, employees of institutions, sponsors, buyers and so on. Surprisingly for many, the same applies to management. And this is what makes the current issue of Arts Management Quarterly on "cooperation and collaboration" so promising.

The 24th ENCATC Annual Conference took place in Valencia, Spain, from 57 October, 2016. The event brought together about 160 academics, researchers and professionals from the cultural sector, policy makers, artists and students from over 30 countries. And with a more focused and application oriented program their debates about the new paradigm needed for cultural management and policy to face todays risk societies could have in fact been very fruitful and inspiring.
Raphaela Henze, 2016-11-22
"Introduction to International Arts Management" deals with the reactions of arts managers in more than 45 countries around the world to globalization and illustrates how arts organizations strive to internationalize not only to increase competitiveness, but also to reach out to an increasingly diverse audience and bring the potential and talent that is inherent in this diversity to the forefront.
Raphaela Henze, 2016-11-14
In this series, I introduce a selection of neglected aspects and competencies from my book The A to Z of Arts Management. This chapter is about the uncertainty and challenge of running an arts company.
Ann Tonks, 2016-11-08
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