Perform search
Suggests ways marketers can develop and customize brand personalities through knowledge of their customers' emotional needs, and demonstrates how companies can utilize all five senses to appeal to various populations.
A visionary approach to building powerful brand loyalty, this ground-breaking book shows marketers of any product or service how to engage today's increasingly cynical consumers on deeper emotional levels. Case histories from the author's high-profile client list analyze demographic and behavioral shifts in populations and distribution channels, and then show how all five senses can be used as powerful marketing tools to respond to those trends. Chapters detail how to develop strong brand personalities, customize presence to different consumer groups, use brand strategies in packaging and display, and facilitate interactive access to products via the Internet.
Allworth Press,U.S., 2002-09-30
At last, the definitive business and legal survival kit for anyone presenting live entertainment! The entire range of individuals involved in entertainment - performers, writers, and directors to box office managers, theater board members, and theater owners - will find comprehensive answers to questions on every aspect of theater business and law. Written by attorney, producer, and playwright, this book reveals hundreds of insider strategies for minimizing legal costs, negotiating contracts, and licensing and producing plays. It also features expert, practical advice on such topics as tax risks and liabilities, safety regulations, organizing the theater company, financing, box office management, not-for-profit management, and much more. Plus everything is explained clearly, written without a lot of legal jargon.

# Paperback: 256 pages

# Publisher: Allworth Press (September 1, 2002)
Allworth Press, 2002-09-19
Finally a text book that is fun to read and interesting is not an oxymoron! A must read and reference.
John Wiley & Sons, 2002-09-17
Serving the customers is a key concern for all library managers. This collection of original articles offers a practical and strategic approach to developing a customer-service culture. Chapters cover customer satisfaction, staff training and planning, customer services in traditional and virtual libraries. Different from other management texts because it considers core aspects of management from the viewpoint of customer concerns, rather than from the operational requirements of the service, this unique guide is important reading for managers at all levels.

Published by FACET the imprint of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (formerly the British Library Association).
Facet Publishing, 2002-09-16
In the 1980s and again in the '90s, James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner published The Leadership Challenge to address issues they uncovered in research on ordinary people achieving "individual leadership standards of excellence." The keys they identified--model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, encourage the heart--have now been reexamined in the context of the post-millennium world and updated in a third edition. "What we have discovered, and rediscovered, is that leadership is not the private reserve of a few charismatic men and women," write Kouzes, chairman emeritus of the Tom Peters Company, and Posner, dean of the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University. "People make extraordinary things happen by liberating the leader within everyone." After explaining their concept and methodology, the authors detail the five essentials noted above in a pair of chapters apiece that bring clarity to their theories with case studies and recommended actions. The specificity of each (motivating through "the meaningfulness of the challenge, not the material rewards of success," for example, and being able to "accept the mistakes that result from experimentation") is enhanced by advice on sustaining the commitment and making leadership skills accessible to all. The results remain as relevant as when they were first published. --Howard Rothman (
Jossey Bass, 2002-09-13
The nature of arts administration and management has changed dramatically over the last decade with policy, funding and restructuring all playing major parts. Following on from the successful first edition, Arts Administration has now been updated to include arts policy under the new UK Ministry of Heritage, the workings of the national lottery and the role of ethnic minority, fringe and community arts. Ten new case studies include a variety of problems commonly encountered in arts administration, such as balancing budgets, marketing, fund raising and programming. Arts administration is presented here in an historical, social and practical context. An essential read for students, those engaged in administering the arts and for anyone concerned with the arts in contemporary society.

Following on from the successful first edition, Arts Administration has now been updated to include arts policy under the new UK Ministry of Heritage, the workings of the national lottery and the role of ethnic minority, fringe and community

# Format: Kindle Edition (Digital Format, 661 kb)

# Print Length: 208 pages

# Publisher: Taylor & Francis; 2 edition (April 16, 2007)
Routledge, 2002-09-11
Recent decades have seen an accumulating body of scholarship that explores the way in which policies instituted by powerful institutions affect the shape and texture of our everyday lives. The films we see, the places we shop, and the music we listen to are not simply products of consumer choice; they are also consequences of cultural policies mandated by economic and policy power elites. Critical Cultural Policy Studies: A Reader marshals for the first time the most important essays that mark this emerging field of study.

Critical Cultural Policy Studies: A Reader charts cultural policy as it exerts its powerful-if overlooked-influence on every aspect of culture, from the fine arts to popular forms of entertainment. Key essays by pioneers in cultural policy studies combine with more recent reflections to define this important field and demonstrate the substantial role policy plays in the cultural production, from film, radio and television to the Internet, the arts, music, and even sport.

The volume explores a dazzling array of subjects from across the humanities and social sciences and around the globe: indigenous media, television and citizenship, film and government, museums, national cultures, suburban culture, international trade, and the American shopping mall. Making the claim that no study of culture is complete without a thorough analysis of economic and political determinants, Critical Cultural Policy Studies: A Reader offers a provocative view that culture is a very public-and very political-concern.

Paperback: 376 pages

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell (October 4, 2002)
John Wiley & Sons, 2002-09-09
The Marketing Mix is a logically-designed handbook that is easily read and introduces the concept of marketing in a no-nonsense, practical manner that is supported by real-life examples.

The original English edition was published in 1995 by the Museums Association of Australia.

Paperback: 252 pages

Publisher: Five Senses (September 2002)
Five Senses, 2002-09-01
A guide to cultural resources management by one of its long-standing practitioners. Thomas F. King outlines ways of improving how cultural resources are treated in America, tackling everything from disciplinary blinders, NAGPRA, and the National Register to flaws in the Section 106 process, avaricious consultants, and the importance of meaningful consultation with native peoples.
Altamira Press, 2002-08-27
A new edition of this user-friendly reference aimed at both those new to financial management and for experienced finance controllers and book-keepers who are new to the voluntary sector. It covers: financial planning, budgeting and cash flow; financial controls and risk management; investing charity assets; basic book-keeping; charity accounts and the SORP; audit requirements; computerising your accounts; tax, trading and VAT; and tax-effective giving.
Directory of Social Change, 2002-08-23
This work educates existing and future arts managers to appreciate their artistic, managerial and social responsibilities, to understand the context and conditions faced by arts and cultural organizations in contemporary society and associated critical issues in management

Derrick Chong has studied business administration and art history at universities in Canada and earned a PhD from the University of London for a comparative analysis of managerialism in art museums. His research projects tend towards management and the arts, including this study of arts management as a new sub-discipline.

Table of Contents
Arts research
Cultural entrepreneurship
Collaborations in the arts
Artistic leadership
Strategic positioning and brand identity
Arts marketing and audience development
Management by numbers
Raising funds and financing
Organizational forms and dynamics

Hardcover, 172 pages

Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Inc., January 2002
Routledge, 2002-08-22
In 1999, The Pew Charitable Trusts launched an initiative to foster broader public appreciation of non-profit arts and culture and its role in American society. This initiative, "Optimizing America's Cultural Resources", was largely premised on the idea that the develoopment of supportive cultural policies depended on providing more and better information on arts and culture to policymakers.

In "Informing Cultural Policy", international cultural policy scholar and researcher J. Mark Schuster relates the findings of a study that toook him from North America to both Eastern and Western Europe. His taxonomy organizes the array of reserach and information models operating abroad into a logical framework for understanding how the myriad cultural agencies collect, analyze, and dis-seminate cultural policy data. Schuster discusses priavte- and public-sector models including reserach divisions of government cultural funding agencies, national statistics agencies, independent nonprofit research institutes, government-designated university-based research centers, private consulting firms, cultural "observatories", noninstitutional networks, research programs, and publications. For each case study undertaken, the author provides the Internet address, names and information for key contacts, and background documents consulted.
Center for Urban Policy Research, 2002-08-15
The complete guide to event risk management, safety, and security

Practical strategies and resources for any size event!

With any event comes risk-from rowdy guests at a festival or convention to a life-threatening riot at a sports event. Event Risk Management and Safety provides a comprehensive resource for managing event risk and limiting liability for modest and grand events. Presenting theory and practical applications, this book covers topics such as measuring risk, alcoholism and drugs, crowd control, fire safety and emergency medical services, food and water safety, outdoor events, and much more.

The collapse of the bonfire tower at Texas A&M, a bomb at the Atlanta Olympics, a food poisoning outbreak at a company picnic -- each year, thousands of accidents resulting in injury, death, and significant financial loss occur at events. This book provides assistance to event organizers, managers, and planners to reduce, in some cases eliminate, these types of losses.
John Wiley & Sons, 2002-08-15
Interest in aesthetics and organization/management studies is of growing attractiveness at the start of the twenty-first century. This text offers a critical overview of arts management as a vital sub-discipline.

The artistic, managerial, and social obligations of arts and cultural organizations operating in contemporary urban environs are all addressed.

Topics under discussion include:
  • arts research
  • cultural entrepreneurship
  • collaborations in the arts
  • artistic leadership
  • institutional identity
  • arts marketing
  • creative approaches to financing
  • organizational forms and dynamics.

The range of sources is deliberately diverse to include the contributions of contemporary artists, prominent management theorists, and the experience of arts managers.

About the author

Derrick Chong has studied business administration and art history at universities in Canada and earned a PhD from the University of London for a comparative analysis of managerialism in art museums. His research projects tend towards management and the arts. Publication outlets include Museum Management and Curatorship, the Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, the International Journal of Cultural Property, Museological Review, and Studies in Cultures, Organizations and Societies.

# Paperback: 192 pages
# Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (October 11, 2002)
Routledge, 2002-08-08
A practical, step-by-step plan for organising and running an effective conference. The guide aims to be applicable to any conference, whether for a local society or a large company.

Published in December 2002
How To Books, 2002-08-01
Sensational marketing book for all entertainment, event and sponsorship projects supported by some of the top professionals in the industry.

Paperback: 178 pages

Publisher: Maxworks Publishing Group (February 2, 2002)
Maxworks Play Service Inc, 2002-08-01
The most accurate and comprehensive directory of the performing arts in Britain

Perfect for putting performers in touch with venues and vice versa. Revised and updated every year.

The BPAY provides information on hundreds of Companies & Solo Performers (Dance, Drama, Community, Puppets, Mixed Media Entertainment, Opera), Orchestras, Jazz & Light Music, Light & Dance Orchestras, over 300 Arts Festivals, a wide variety of Suppliers & Services, colleges offering courses for performers and technicians plus entries on over 1,200 Venues detailing everything from stage dimensions and lighting rig to the artistic policy, booking terms and even the distance to the nearest railway station.
Rhinegold Publishing Ltd, 2002-07-31
In The Creative Economy John Howkins argues that intellectual property is far more important today than "hard goods" and that creativity itself should now be viewed as a defining commercial factor. The examples quoted at the start of the book, including's copyrighting of its sales methodology and the British patent for the technique used to clone Dolly the sheep, illustrate the range of forms creativity can take. Throughout the rest of the book, Howkins uses a similarly wide range of examples to explain his theory that creativity will be the dominant economic form of the 21st century.

In its 230 pages The Creative Economy ranges widely in scope. Its seven chapters discuss various creative industries including art, video games, music, film and fashion. Digital technology and its central role is the subject of a separate chapter, as is the management of ideas as a profit-making enterprise. At the openings of his chapters, Howkins reports his interviews with a range of important figures from musician Bob Geldof to architect Richard Rogers and businesswoman Anita Roddick. The overall style, though, is intellectual and with little to break up the dense prose it is, despite the many real-world examples, not always an easy read. But it's worth the effort; Howkins presents a forceful argument, enough perhaps to convince readers with an eye for business to get his or her thinking cap on. --Sandra Vogel

Paperback: 288 pages

Penguin Global, June 2002
Penguin, 2002-06-27
Holy Moly Mackeroly is a self-published memoir: a storytelling-style reflection about my process of creating a home-based art business and life experiences that I feel are connected to that journey.

It is all words with very few pictures, so if you want to see my artwork, thanks for your interest! You can learn about my carving and stamping techniques in my second book, published by North Light Books: Art Stamping Workshop is also available at

I believed in writing Holy Moly Mackeroly that there was a place for such a book. That belief was based on my experiences of giving talks over the years on how I started with three rubber stamps, made 18 bookmarks (which my Mom sold for me in Santa Fe), and over time created a greeting card and art business that expanded exponentially. I have had an active card account at the Smithsonian since 1994 and have gone on to become a published artist and writer in major art and craft publications.

But more importantly to me, since this book was published in 2002, a community of artist-friends has emerged, beginning with the creation of an online group, started by a visionary reader. Our group is active in art and dedicated in friendships. We have gone way beyond the book as individuals and together in ways I never could have imagined possible when I began writing.

I believe in the value of storytelling. I believed enough in the value of what others have taught and given to me over the years that I gambled in a huge way to create this book as author, publisher, distributor, cover artist, the works. The experience of immersing yourself in the entire process is incredibly rewarding.

I am grateful to people all over the world - they have read my book and shared their stories with me. If this is your kind of book, I hope you enjoy it! There is a Chinese Proverb that is my guiding principle: "A thousand mile journey begins with one step." Taking one step gets you to a whole new place. Are you ready?
Mesa Point Publishing, 2002-06-17
Authored by a well-known figure in the field.
* Overview chapters explore topics such as electronic marketing strategies, funding, budgeting, promotion, and advertising.
* Individual chapters address the differences involved in marketing different types of events.
* Examines future trends and key issues such as how to reach new event attendees.
* Includes appendices with sample forms, contracts, and more.
John Wiley & Sons, 2002-06-12
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